Sunday, April 29, 2012


Last week was certainly telling on O’Brien’s leadership mentality. I have said in the past that O’Brien wants to attack instead of talk when it comes to dealing with problems and this past week proved my case. The house, under the recommendation of O’Brien attacked the senate.

What brought this to a head were some bills the senate either refused to accept or killed out right. I am glad and NH should be grateful that the senate has more common sense this session than the speaker’s office has. This is a WAH, WAH AND WAH, you killed our wonderful bills and we are going to show you by tabling yours.

A true leader or diplomat would have sat down with the senate and see what could be negotiated out before going to war.

Many of the senators were state reps before being elected to the senate and I worked with all of them; good, honest people who, like many of us, just want to try and do a good job.

This isn’t a fight over I have more power than you, it should be a meeting of the minds of moving the state and peoples hopes forward for a better place to live.

The sickness that has infected the state house is really starting to show.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


The following is a post from, supposedly, Representative Will Smith from New Castle, that appeared on the Exeter Patch. This is so typical of the O’Brien Supporters and leadership team and speaks for itself as to why we need a change. I guess poor Willie is now the poster child for the O’Brien cult.

Don’t worry Will; O’Brien will give you a pat on the head for this fabrication.

The fact is on the Right to Work Bill, O’Brien took it out of order to try to run it through since I was not there and still in the hospital. Representative Peter Bolster took to the floor to move that the bill be special ordered to the following week to see if I could be there, a very common process. O’Brien did not want this and it went to a roll call vote of 300 to42, or close to these numbers and the speaker lost the argument and issue. Since the house rebuked the speaker, I got out of the hospital on a Sunday and was in Concord 3 days later to argue the Right to work issue that Rep. Smith sponsored. I felt I needed to return the show of respect shown to me by the house and the show of gratitude for the respect of the political process.

Calling Emerson and Copeland liars is like calling Mary Poppins a hooker, just doesn’t fit and not credible.

Rep. Smith

4:41 pm on Saturday, April 21, 2012

“Peter that's because none of the so called "bullying" episodes EVER occurred! Emerson is a liar, the Senate Sergeant at Arms is a union hack and was FIRED and he wasn't even in the room and Tim Copeland is a union hack liar who also wasn't there and never even had a conversation with the Speaker or majority leader. Isn't it interesting that all those alleging about bullying were against right to work and bringing jobs to Nh and they themselves were bullies. One NEA member Telling one rep that his daughter wouldn't be on the varsity basketball team of he voted for it, threatening another he'd lose his job, threatening yet another rep that her husband would lose his job, stalking and following reps on the highway and following them home to intimidate them. And those dues go toward giving BILLIONS to get Dems re-elected so NO WONDER they want to force people who don't want to be in labor unions to still pay to fund their political agenda. It's gotten out of control in state government and in the school system. O'Brien is a good, good man with amazing character who is very compassionate but does so quietly because he's not a fake like all these guys alleging bullying. Anyone mention when Quandt had his heart attack O'Brien put off the right to work vote until he could come back to speak against and vote against the bill (even though it wasn't in Obriens best interest)? No, because it doesn't fit in to YOUR narrative and intimidation tactics.”

Friday, April 6, 2012


The redistricting bill passed the house; but, I don’t think the fight is over with almost guaranteed court challenges on a variety of issues. Matt and I said we would not support this bill, as well as many others, and then they caved and supported it.
What O’Brien supposedly did was to tell the press that he would NOT bring the governor’s veto up (redistricting) last week and a number of reps took a spring vacation. Then, it looks like; the speaker counted votes and rammed the bill through. Manchester is suing because of the bill and other cities are looking to sign on.

The people, who fought the Right to Work bill, knew you couldn’t trust the speaker. During the Right to Work fight the speaker constantly put out misleading information on when he was going to call for a vote, called us back for three session days and lost the vote anyway because we knew he couldn’t be trusted. Now there are a bunch of red faced reps that went along with him and denied those reps in opposition of the redistricting plan a chance to be heard because of intentional misinformation was put out.


I heard last night that the out spoken house rep from Manchester Steve Vaillancourt was thrown off of the finance committee. He and the speaker have been going at it on policy and anyone that knows Steve knows he does his home work on the issues and won’t back down. One thing about Steve, and I know him he will not go quietly into the night.


Some of our state reps also are locally elected officials, selectmen, budget committee, etc. Well, some of them either didn’t get elected to their positions, their family members didn’t get elected to a position or they were thrown out of local office. They don’t seem to understand why because they believe that this insanity that we call legislative politics (the house) is what they think the voters wanted. Unfortunately, when the new people got elected they just talked amongst themselves, didn’t listen or talk to the voters, and proceeded to dissect state government. Instead of creating jobs, we have caused the layoff of about 4,000 workers. Anybody proud of that is off their meds and out of touch with the reality of the last election.

I was told by someone in state campaigns, and travels the state that there are two names that equate with mud. One is Bully O’Brien and the other is the free staters, they are both being tied to the “out of touch republicans”. Unfortunately, we have a good group of old fashion republicans that are simply overwhelmed by the craziness that is prevalent in the house. We are still counting votes to remove the speaker and waiting for the right spark to do it.